Annette Bak
Company: AstraZeneca
Job title: Head of Advanced Drug Delivery
Industry Leaders’ Panel Discussion: Overcoming the Challenges of Toxicity, Extrahepatic Delivery & Scaling-Up in LNP Development to Accelerate a Wider Range of Therapeutics towards the Clinic 8:30 am
What strategies are you implementing to enable greater cell specific delivery to targets outside of the liver? How does analytical development and manufacturing change for targeted LNPs to enable scale-up? What methods do you have in place to face the challenge of toxicity?Read more
day: Day One
Reviewing the Disease Applications of LNPs to Unleash their Full Potential for Treating a Large Variety of Patients 3:00 pm
Uncovering the potential of developing innovative LNPs for treating a wide landscape of disease Delving into the current clinical trials happening using LNPs to deliver genetic medicine, cell therapy, cancer and autoimmune treatments Discussing the bottlenecks faced when using LNPs for diseases outside of the liverRead more
day: Pre-Conference LNP 101 Day