Pieter Cullis

Company: University of British Columbia

Job title: Professor


Industry Leaders’ Panel Discussion: Overcoming the Challenges of Toxicity, Extrahepatic Delivery & Scaling-Up in LNP Development to Accelerate a Wider Range of Therapeutics towards the Clinic 8:30 am

What strategies are you implementing to enable greater cell specific delivery to targets outside of the liver? How does analytical development and manufacturing change for targeted LNPs to enable scale-up? What methods do you have in place to face the challenge of toxicity?Read more

day: Day One

Unlocking the Future of LNPs for Delivery of a Wide Range of Human Medicines 9:00 am

Delving into the LNP landscape to unleash the latest and greatest LNPs in the field Addressing key bottlenecks which the LNP field is facing, including advancing LNPs for successful gene therapy delivery Uncovering the future potential for LNPs to deliver more human medicinesRead more

day: Day One

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